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Topic: Performance management

Performance management is the process of aligning employee goals and actions with an organization's strategic objectives to improve productivity, engagement, and overall business outcomes.

More on: Performance management

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of performance management, including strategies for addressing performance issues, setting expectations, providing effective feedback, and aligning employee goals with company objectives.

For example, episode Are You Being Insulting Without Realizing It? | Ep 728 discusses techniques for giving constructive feedback to employees, while episode Managing Talent To Drive Higher Performance | Ep 665 explores an innovative approach to performance management involving variable compensation tied to personal goals.

Other episodes, such as Lessons in leadership | Scaling an org, developing yourself, and tactical management advice | Jack Altman (Lattice) and Why is the transition from IC Engineer to Manager so tricky (and how to get it right)? - Marcel Weekes, VP of Product Engineering at Figma, delve into the challenges and best practices of managing employee performance, particularly in the context of high-growth startups and the transition from individual contributor to manager.

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