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Topic: Placebo effect

The placebo effect is a phenomenon where a person's symptoms or condition may improve due to the power of suggestion or expectation, even when the treatment provided is inert or ineffective.

More on: Placebo effect

The placebo effect is a well-documented phenomenon in the field of medicine and psychology, where a person's belief, expectations, or perception can influence their physical or psychological response to a treatment, even when the treatment itself lacks any inherent therapeutic properties.

The podcast episodes provided explore the placebo effect in various contexts, such as its role in the effectiveness of alternative medicines and complementary health approaches Guide to Alternative Medicines with Helene Langevin, its historical development and impact on concepts like mesmerism The History of Bad Ideas: Mesmerism, its physiological underpinnings and dose-dependent nature as discussed by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the ICC Sydney Theatre, and its potential influence on the perceived benefits of microdosing psychedelics Microdosing LSD & Psilocybin: The Future of Psychiatry or Placebo?.

The episodes also touch on the placebo effect in the context of historical beliefs and practices, such as the role of ritual and belief in shaping human experience Why spirituality is important in our increasingly secular world (w/ David DeSteno), the use of healing waters and mineral springs From the Vault: Washing of the Waters, Part 3, and the potential placebo effects of ancient spiritual and mental health approaches Prisons in Ancient Mesopotamia with Nicholas Reid.

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