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Topic: Pornography addiction

Pornography addiction is a compulsive and problematic use of pornography that can negatively impact an individual's personal, social, and professional life.

More on: Pornography addiction

The podcast episodes provided discuss the widespread prevalence of pornography addiction, its damaging impact on individuals and relationships, and strategies for overcoming this issue.

Several episodes, such as Church Hurt, Social Media, and Addiction | Craig Groeschel, How Fatherlessness and Pornography Impact Men's Health and Relationships | Sathiya Sam, and The Porn Addiction Solution With Sathiya Sam, delve deeply into the topic, exploring the underlying causes, societal pressures, and the importance of developing emotional fitness, trauma resolution, and identity shifting in the recovery process.

Other episodes, like "IT'S NOT THAT BAD…YET" and Sex Conversations With My Wife Are Uncomfortable, touch on pornography addiction as part of a broader discussion on addictive behaviors, relationships, and mental health challenges.

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