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Topic: Potential cover-ups

Potential cover-ups refer to the suspicion that authorities may have been involved in or concealed information related to the deaths or disappearances of individuals.

More on: Potential cover-ups

The podcast episodes explore theories that law enforcement may have been involved in cover-ups related to the deaths and disappearances of Mitrice Richardson and Doug Wagg.

In Introducing Lost Hills: Dark Canyon, the episode examines the unsolved case of Mitrice Richardson, a young woman who went missing in Malibu in 2009 and whose remains were later found in a remote canyon, with speculation that law enforcement may have been involved in a cover-up.

Similarly, Ep 3 of 14: The Damage explores the 1991 undetermined death of Doug Wagg, found on railroad tracks, with his sister Melissa uncovering discrepancies years later that suggest a possible assault and cover-up by law enforcement.

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