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Topic: Power imbalances

Power imbalances arise when individuals or institutions hold disproportionate control or influence over others, often to the detriment of those with less power.

More on: Power imbalances

The podcast episodes explore various manifestations of power imbalances, including the power dynamics between survivors and powerful institutions, as well as the power structures that maintain unjust narratives and inequities in education.

In the episodes "I Could Not Unsee It | 3" and "Introducing - Exposed: Cover-Up at Columbia University", the survivors of sexual assault by Dr. Robert Hadden and the cover-up by Columbia University highlight the challenges they faced in seeking justice against a powerful individual and institution.

Similarly, the episode #1576 How Florida's education reform works to maintain unjust power imbalances" examines how the controversial education curriculum reforms in Florida aim to perpetuate harmful narratives and maintain unjust power imbalances.

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