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Topic: Prestigious institutions

Prestigious institutions, such as universities, banks, and consulting firms, often wield significant power and influence, which can enable harmful behaviors and perpetuate systemic issues.

More on: Prestigious institutions

The podcast episodes explore how prestigious institutions, such as Ivy League universities and prominent professional service firms, can enable and perpetuate systemic issues, despite their reputation for excellence and integrity.

In the first episode, Introducing - Exposed: Cover-Up at Columbia University, the prestige and influence of Columbia University, an Ivy League institution, allowed it to cover up the actions of a sexually abusive doctor for years. The second episode, The 'Prestige Problem' Making Fossil Fuels Powerful, examines how top firms provide critical services to the fossil fuel industry, despite the climate crisis, due to the prestige and reputation associated with these firms.

These episodes highlight how the status and perceived legitimacy of prestigious institutions can be a double-edged sword, enabling them to maintain power and avoid accountability for unethical or harmful practices.

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