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Topic: Pricing strategies

Pricing strategies involve the various approaches businesses use to determine and adjust the prices of their products or services to optimize profitability, appeal to target customers, and respond to market conditions.

More on: Pricing strategies

The podcast episodes discussed cover a wide range of pricing strategies and considerations, from online coaching services to consumer packaged goods, SaaS businesses, and the luxury fashion industry.

For example, the episode '2367: Five Factors All Online Coaches Need to Consider' explores strategies for pricing online coaching, such as starting with low prices and gradually increasing them as value is built. The episode 'Corporations Learned The Maximum Amount They Can Charge For a Product' delves into various pricing tactics like personalized pricing, dynamic pricing, and junk fees that companies are employing to extract more revenue from consumers.

Other episodes discuss pricing for specific industries, such as the 'Apple Shows Intelligence, Fed Signals Caution' episode that examines Trex's approach to pricing its outdoor decking products, and the '$5,000 Pants & Phoebe Philo Inflation' episode that explores the pricing strategies of luxury fashion brands.

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