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Topic: Primate behavior

Primate behavior encompasses the complex social, cognitive, and biological characteristics of various primate species, providing insights into the evolutionary origins of human nature.

More on: Primate behavior

The podcast episodes provided discuss primate behavior and its evolutionary and social context, drawing insights from research on baboons, monkeys, and other primates.

Episode Your Penis Might Be Full of Microplastics And The Seine is Definitely Full of Bacteria covers the social adaptation of monkeys on Monkey Island after a hurricane, highlighting their cooperative behavior.

Episode 570. Is Gynecology the Best Innovation Ever? references primate behavior and characteristics to provide an evolutionary context for human ancestors.

Episode Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism features a neuroscientist and primatologist discussing his research on baboon social dynamics and the insights it provides into human nature.

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