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Topic: Protein folding

Protein folding is the process by which a protein structure assumes its functional 3D shape from a linear sequence of amino acids.

More on: Protein folding

The podcast episodes discuss the breakthroughs in protein folding achieved through the use of artificial intelligence, particularly the AlphaFold system developed by Google DeepMind.

The episodes highlight how AI has been able to accurately predict the 3D structures of millions of proteins, which has significant implications for drug development and understanding biological processes. The last 6 decades of AI - and what comes next | Ray Kurzweil and How AI is unlocking the secrets of nature and the universe | Demis Hassabis provide an overview of how AI is transforming scientific discovery, including the example of protein folding.

The podcast Superconvergence: The Dawn of Human-Engineered Intelligence with Jamie Metzl delves deeper into the convergence of AI, genomics, and biotechnology, and how these technologies are enabling breakthroughs in areas like protein folding.

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