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Topic: Protein intake

Adequate protein intake is essential for maintaining muscle mass, supporting overall health, and optimizing body composition as we age.

More on: Protein intake

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of protein intake in various contexts, such as boosting metabolism, building and preserving muscle, supporting women's health and hormonal balance, and promoting overall well-being and longevity.

Several episodes, including 428: Lift Heavy Things, Move, and Get Enough Protein. With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, The Three Best Ways to Preserve Muscle with Marie Forleo, and Get Ready for Our BIGGEST SEASON EVER, specifically emphasize the significance of adequate protein intake for maintaining and building muscle mass, particularly as individuals age.

Other episodes, such as Top Biohacks for Women: How to Boost Energy, Build Strength & Make Your Hormones Your Superpower with Aggie Lal and #1 Menopause Doctor: Biggest Myths On Weight Gain, Diet & Exercise For Women with Dr. Mary Claire Haver, highlight the importance of protein intake for women's health and hormonal balance.

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