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Topic: Protest and activism

Protest and activism are powerful tools used by individuals and groups to challenge injustice, bring about social change, and advocate for their rights and beliefs.

More on: Protest and activism

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate how protest and activism have been used to address racial discrimination and injustice, both in the context of college sports and the criminal justice system.

In the first episode, the Black 14 players at the University of Wyoming wore black armbands during a game against Brigham Young University to protest racist treatment, leading to their dismissal from the team and long-lasting repercussions for their act of defiance against discrimination.

Similarly, the second episode covers the public outrage and activism surrounding the case of Cho Doo Soon, a child predator in South Korea who was given a lenient sentence and allowed to live near his victim, highlighting the failures of the justice system in protecting victims and holding offenders accountable.

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