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Topic: Quantum gravity

Quantum gravity is the search for a unified theory that reconciles the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics, providing a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

More on: Quantum gravity

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of the quest for a theory of quantum gravity, which seeks to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory of general relativity.

This challenge arises because quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two most successful theories of the 20th century, appear to be incompatible at the smallest scales of the universe. Resolving this incompatibility is considered one of the greatest unsolved problems in physics.

The episodes discuss how string theory, a leading candidate for a quantum theory of gravity, aims to provide a unified framework that can describe the behavior of the universe at all scales, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures. Other approaches, such as modifying general relativity to include a small mass for the graviton (the hypothetical particle that mediates gravity), are also explored as potential paths towards a theory of quantum gravity.

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