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Topic: Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination is the unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity, often leading to social, economic, and political inequalities.

More on: Racial Discrimination

The topic of racial discrimination is central to many of the podcast episodes, which explore various manifestations and impacts of racism in different contexts.

Several episodes, such as Dumped in the middle of nowhere: Black migrants in North Africa, The 14th Amendment, and Episode 5 - The white mask, delve into systemic racial profiling, discrimination, and abuse faced by Black individuals and communities.

Other episodes, like Interracial Marriages Can Still Be Racist and 1. Reflecting on Diane Abbott with Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu & Nels Abbey, explore the persistent challenges and biases within interracial relationships and the political arena, respectively.

The podcast series also highlight stories of individuals and groups, such as How college footballers led the fight against racism in 1969 and Mabel Fairbanks: The Ice Breaker, who have courageously challenged racial discrimination in various spheres.

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