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Topic: Racial disparities

Racial disparities refer to the unequal treatment, opportunities, and outcomes experienced by individuals and communities based on their race or ethnicity.

More on: Racial disparities

The issue of racial disparities is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes, with the episodes highlighting how racial inequities and discrimination manifest in various areas such as healthcare, the criminal justice system, environmental justice, and socioeconomic factors.

For example, the episode 'Wednesday, June 5th, 2024' discusses the disproportionately high maternal mortality rate among Black women in the U.S., while 'One woman's failed abortions led another to motherhood' explores racial barriers faced in adoption. The episode 'Legalize Weed, But Not Like This' touches on the potential impact of marijuana legalization in reducing racial disparities in drug arrests, and 'Oregon's Drug Decriminalization Experiment' examines the racial dimensions of drug enforcement and incarceration.

Racial disparities are also a key focus in episodes addressing criminal justice reform, such as 'Oregon Decriminalized Drugs. Voters Now Regret It.', 'Why the D.A. Race Really Matters (and why you should vote for George Gascon)', and 'The Right to An Attorney'. The issue of racial inequity in areas like housing, education, and the environment is also explored in episodes like 'Is diversity a fad in fashion?' and 'Justice in Cancer Alley: Petrochemicals Part 2'

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