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Topic: Racism and Colonialism

Racism and colonialism have deep-rooted impacts that persist even in imaginary worlds, undermining the legitimacy of institutions meant to protect and enact change.

More on: Racism and Colonialism

The podcast episodes explore how the legacies of racism and colonialism manifest in various realms, from the publishing industry's historical exclusion of Black authors to the ways these power structures undermine the legitimacy and effectiveness of mainstream institutions like the UN and international NGOs.

In the episode "Black reality in a world of fantasy", Black fantasy authors discuss the challenges of creating fictional worlds that still grapple with the weight of real-world racial issues. The episode highlights how even fantastical storytelling is grounded in the lived experiences of marginalized communities.

The episode "Caring in a Post Covid World" delves into how the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the colonial roots and racist legacies of major global institutions, calling for a revisioning of systems based on feminist principles of care and connectivity.

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