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Topic: Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a victim's files and demands a ransom payment to restore access.

More on: Ransomware

The podcast episodes provided cover the topic of ransomware attacks, which are a growing cybersecurity threat targeting individuals, businesses, and critical infrastructure.

The episodes discuss the tactics and motivations of ransomware groups, the financial and operational impacts of such attacks, and the efforts by government agencies and security providers to combat this threat. Several high-profile ransomware incidents are explored, such as the attacks on MGM Resorts DOJ Assistant Attorney General on Fighting Cyber Threats, car dealerships Expanding Presidential Power, OSHA Heat Proposal, Cyberattacks On Car Dealerships, and the British Library The Great British Library Hack.

The episodes also cover the use of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in both perpetrating and defending against ransomware, as well as the legal and ethical implications of these cyber threats.

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