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Topic: Reciprocity

Reciprocity is the principle of mutual exchange, where people give back in proportion to what they have received.

More on: Reciprocity

The concept of reciprocity is a recurring theme across the podcast episodes provided, highlighting its importance in various contexts.

In the first episode, "Why Are Friendships After Becoming a Mom So Hard To Make and Maintain?", the issue of lack of reciprocity in effort and investment is explored as a common concern in women's friendships.

The second episode, "Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS) with Leigh Joseph", emphasizes the importance of reciprocity, or giving back to the land and its inhabitants, as a crucial aspect of sustainable harvesting and using native plants.

Similarly, in the third episode, "38: Ep. 38 TECH GUY EPISODE! Our relationship formation and debunking the modern dating experience with Tech guy!", the concept of reciprocity in relationships, both in terms of effort and communication, is highlighted as crucial for a healthy partnership.

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