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Topic: Reckoning with the past

Reckoning with the past: Exploring how individuals and societies can engage in a productive, humanizing process of grappling with difficult histories.

More on: Reckoning with the past

The podcast episodes explore how individuals and societies can engage in a productive, humanizing process of grappling with difficult histories, such as the legacy of slavery and the trauma of the former Iron Curtain in Germany.

The episodes highlight the importance of acknowledging and reckoning with these complex pasts, drawing connections between physical landscapes, collective memory, and the embodied experiences of marginalized communities. Clint Smith's interview emphasizes the role of poetry in accessing bodily wisdom and inspiring people to reckon with America's history of slavery, while Dr. Sonja Peake's discussion of Germany's Green Belt conservation project explores how ecological restoration can be paired with memorialization efforts to honor and address historical traumas.

These podcasts underscore the need for empathy, sensitivity, and collaborative approaches when engaging with the legacies of violence and oppression.

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