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Topic: Reproductive health

Reproductive health encompasses the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals in all aspects of reproduction and sexuality.

More on: Reproductive health

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of topics related to reproductive health, including issues around abortion access, infertility, environmental factors affecting fertility, and the overall state of reproductive health in modern society.

For example, episode More primary care doctors could begin to provide abortions discusses the shift towards more primary care providers offering abortion services in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Episode Infertility Crisis: 5 Shocking Ways Modern Life Is Making Men and Women Infertile! delves into the various factors contributing to declining fertility rates globally, including chemical exposures, lifestyle factors, and reproductive development issues.

Other episodes, such as 6 PM ET: US-Ukraine security agreement, IVF bill blocked, Biden on ceasefire deal & more and Abortion Status Quo Remains For Now After Supreme Court Punt, highlight the legal and political dimensions of reproductive health, including battles over access to in vitro fertilization and the ongoing challenges to abortion rights in the United States.

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