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Topic: Reproductive rights

Reproductive rights encompass the fundamental human right to control one's own fertility, including access to contraception, abortion, and other reproductive healthcare services.

More on: Reproductive rights

The topic of reproductive rights is a central focus in many of the provided podcast episodes, as it intersects with ongoing debates and battles over issues like access to abortion, contraception, and other reproductive healthcare services.

Several episodes, such as TBD | Why Are IUDs Still a Mystery?, The OB-GYN Behind the Fight to Ban Mifepristone, and Telehealth widens access to abortion care as lawmakers restrict it, delve into the legal and political challenges surrounding reproductive rights, particularly in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Other episodes, like Talking About Abortion On The Campaign Trail and How America's Two Abortion Realities Are Clashing, explore the broader implications of these issues for voters, political campaigns, and the ongoing struggle to protect reproductive freedoms.

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