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Topic: Scientific method

The scientific method is a systematic process of formulating hypotheses, designing experiments to test them, and updating beliefs based on empirical evidence.

More on: Scientific method

The podcast episodes discuss the scientific method and its central role in scientific inquiry, highlighting its core principles of formulating testable hypotheses, conducting rigorous experiments, and revising theories based on empirical evidence.

Several episodes, such as Science Fiction, Trust But Verify, and Debating Scientific Socialism, delve into the evolution of the scientific method, its collaborative nature, and the importance of critical scrutiny and open-mindedness in the pursuit of knowledge.

Other episodes, like Cumrun Vafa on the Universe According to String Theory and Black Hole Theory Cosmology, showcase how the scientific method is applied in specific scientific fields, such as theoretical physics and astrophysics, to develop and refine theories through observations and experimental testing.

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