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Topic: Scientific Mysteries

Scientific Mysteries explores the unsolved puzzles, paradoxes, and perplexing phenomena that drive scientific inquiry and push the boundaries of human knowledge.

More on: Scientific Mysteries

The podcast episodes presented cover a wide range of scientific mysteries, from uncovering the origins of mysterious celestial objects like 'odd radio circles' Odd Radio Circles Are glowing Around Some Galaxies. Now We Know Why to exploring the evolutionary history and purpose of biological structures like the 'vaults' in cells Putting mysterious cellular structures to use, and when brown fat started to warm us up.

Other episodes delve into solving long-standing mysteries, such as the causes behind extreme ocean warming and forecasts for a potentially record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season We're In For A Brutal Hurricane Season, According To Predictions, as well as unraveling the evolutionary origins of features like hard-shelled eggs Which came first, the chicken or the egg?.

These podcasts showcase how scientific research continues to chip away at the unknown, using cutting-edge tools and innovative thinking to reveal new insights about our world and the universe.

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