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Topic: Self-Hatred

Self-hatred is a psychological condition characterized by an individual's extreme dislike or aversion towards themselves, often manifesting in a rejection of one's own identity or a disdain for one's personal qualities.

More on: Self-Hatred

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of self-hatred, particularly in the context of institutions and individuals who reject or diminish their American identity in favor of a perceived global or cosmopolitan identity.

In Episode 51830, the hosts discuss the concept of self-hatred and how it manifests in criticism of American institutions like NPR. In Episode 52160, the concept of self-hatred is mentioned as a potential explanation for the perceived 'moral inversion' and criticism of unambiguously good things like Neuralink and SpaceX.

The hosts suggest that this rejection of one's own identity and values in favor of a perceived global or cosmopolitan identity is a form of self-hatred that ultimately undermines the individual and the institutions they belong to.

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