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Topic: Sexual agency

Sexual agency refers to an individual's ability to make autonomous and empowered choices about their sexual experiences and expression.

More on: Sexual agency

The concept of sexual agency is central to the podcast episodes provided, which emphasize the importance of individuals reclaiming their sexual experiences and expression, rather than acting based on external pressures or expectations.

For example, in the episode 'Pleasure Mapping & Full-Body Orgasms w/ Dolly Josette', the sexological bodyworker Dolly Josette discusses her work in guiding clients through somatic healing, vulva mapping, and embodiment practices to unlock deeper pleasure, intimacy, and full-body orgasmic potential. This aligns with the idea of individuals taking control and agency over their sexual experiences.

Similarly, the episode 'The relationship between sex and imagination | Gina Gutierrez' encourages people to explore their fantasies, create mental narratives, and prioritize their sexual wellness through the use of their imagination, again highlighting the importance of personal agency in sexual exploration.

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