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Topic: Social contagion

Social contagion refers to the rapid spread of beliefs, behaviors, or identities within a social network, often influenced by peer pressure or online echochambers.

More on: Social contagion

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of 'social contagion', where the phenomenon of transgender identity and gender dysphoria is believed to spread rapidly among youth, especially during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

The episodes feature interviews and discussions around the idea that transgender identities are being 'mainstreamed' and 'socially influenced', rather than being rooted in individual experiences. The hosts and guests critique this notion as scientifically flawed and potentially harmful to transgender youth.

For example, the episode Ep 220 | Why Are So Many Kids Identifying as Trans? | Miriam Grossman, M.D. | The Glenn Beck Podcast explores the 'social contagion' theory, while the episode "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" directly examines and debunks this concept.

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