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Topic: Gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is the distress or discomfort experienced when one's assigned gender at birth does not match their internal sense of gender identity.

More on: Gender dysphoria

The podcast episodes provided discuss gender dysphoria extensively, exploring its causes, diagnostic criteria, and the ongoing debates surrounding the medical treatment of transgender youth.

Several episodes, such as The Science Of Transgender Healthcare, Puberty Blockers, & Conversion Therapy, Trans Kids' Healthcare: Are We Getting It Wrong?, and Why Chloe Cole Detransitioned, delve into the clinical aspects of gender dysphoria, including the use of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and the potential risks and benefits of gender-affirming care.

Other episodes, like Gender Identity: The Latest Social Contagion - Andrew Doyle and Ep 220 | Why Are So Many Kids Identifying as Trans? | Miriam Grossman, M.D. | The Glenn Beck Podcast, explore the controversial notion of 'rapid-onset gender dysphoria' and the potential role of social contagion in the increasing prevalence of transgender identification, particularly among teenagers.

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