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Topic: Societal pressure

Societal pressure refers to the expectations and norms imposed by society that can influence an individual's thoughts, behaviors, and decisions.

More on: Societal pressure

The podcast episodes highlight how societal pressure can heavily influence various aspects of people's lives, from dating and relationships to mental health and personal growth.

For example, the episode How Social Media Killed Dating explores how the societal pressure to be in a relationship by a certain age can impact dating behavior, while Colton Underwood: A CHD Exclusive (FBF) discusses the societal pressures and expectations Colton faced within the sports and religious communities that contributed to his suppression of his sexuality.

The episodes also address the societal pressure to be constantly busy and productive, as seen in Break Up with Busyness & Let Go of Your To-Do List, and the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards, as explored in Managing Fame & Body Image.

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