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Topic: Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices are mindful activities that cultivate inner peace, self-awareness, and connection to the divine or transcendent.

More on: Spiritual Practices

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer, journaling, and haiku writing, among others. These practices are often discussed as tools for personal development, self-awareness, and cultivating a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.

For example, in the episode "327: 17 Syllable Prayers", Emily P. Freeman shares her experience of using haiku as a spiritual practice during a challenging time. In "Struggling with Sexual Sin | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.", Fr. Pine recommends various spiritual practices like prayer, confession, and fasting to facilitate personal transformation and growth.

Across the episodes, there is a common emphasis on the role of spiritual practices in fostering self-reflection, inner peace, and a stronger connection to one's values and moral compass.

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