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Topic: Spiritual Protection

Spiritual Protection involves techniques and practices to safeguard one's well-being from negative paranormal and supernatural forces.

More on: Spiritual Protection

The concept of spiritual protection is a central theme across the podcast episodes, where individuals recount their personal experiences with supernatural phenomena and the need for spiritual guidance and support to navigate these realms.

The episodes explore how familial and generational spiritual powers, as well as the presence of benevolent and malevolent forces, can impact one's life and household. Examples include TK's mother's supernatural abilities and his grandmother's spirit intervening to restore peace, Brandon's encounters with sinister entities during astral projection and his reliance on his faith in Jesus Christ for protection, and Julie Lopez's deliverance from demonic influences through her encounter with God's presence.

The episodes also provide practical insights on spiritual protection, such as the importance of discernment, the role of faith and unity in the church, and techniques like raising one's vibration to ward off negative entities.

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