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Topic: Success metrics

Success metrics are quantifiable measures used to evaluate the performance and progress towards desired outcomes.

More on: Success metrics

The podcast episodes provided touch on various aspects of success metrics, including how they are applied in different contexts.

The episode 'Hamza Ahmed - The Harsh Truths Young Men Need To Hear' cautions against getting trapped in narrow definitions of success focused solely on money, looks or achievements, advocating for a more balanced approach.

The episode 'Allowing Yourself To Be Unappreciated Will Ruin You' challenges society's typical metrics of success like money and fame as inadequate for true fulfillment, and instead emphasizes the importance of self-love and genuine connection.

The episode 'Designing Sustainable Game Economies and Scaling Blockchain Games' explores the shift from purely financial metrics like TVL to real usage metrics like daily active users in the context of web3 gaming.

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