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Topic: Sugar addiction

Sugar addiction is a significant driver of the obesity and chronic disease epidemics, leading to devastating effects on both physical and mental health.

More on: Sugar addiction

The podcast episodes on 'sugar addiction' explore the addictive nature of sugar and how it can negatively impact various aspects of health, from obesity and diabetes to cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

In the episode How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on Your Health and Mind, Dr. Mark Hyman discusses how sugar activates the brain's reward pathways, leading to cravings and withdrawal symptoms similar to other addictive substances. He also shares a 10-day detox diet to help break free from sugar addiction.

The episode How Sugar is Shortening Your Lifespan: The Shocking Truth delves deeper into the hidden sources of sugar in our diets and its devastating effects on our physical and mental health, driving chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

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