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Topic: Supplementation

Supplementation is the strategic use of targeted nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive compounds to optimize health, address deficiencies, and support specific physiological functions.

More on: Supplementation

The topic of supplementation is extensively covered across the podcast episodes, with various experts discussing the potential benefits, considerations, and personalization of supplementation strategies.

For example, in episode 60304, the founder of Novos Labs delves into the science behind their Novos Core formulation and the importance of targeted supplementation for longevity and health optimization. In episode 60628, Dr. Josh Axe emphasizes the role of supplements like vitamins, minerals, and adaptogens in supporting overall health and addressing specific conditions.

The episodes also cover a range of other supplementation-related topics, including the use of supplements for brain health, hormone optimization, exercise performance and recovery, and longevity.

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