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Topic: Systems change

Systems change involves transforming the underlying structures, policies, and power dynamics that shape societal outcomes.

More on: Systems change

The podcast episodes discuss the need for systems change across various domains, including economics, culture, and the environment.

Several episodes highlight how dominant systems and narratives, such as capitalism and rugged individualism, contribute to societal problems like disconnection, inequity, and environmental degradation. The episodes call for reimagining these systems from the ground up to center values of interdependence, regeneration, and collective wellbeing.

For example, the episode 'Rethinking Success | Mia Birdsong' explores how redefining success around interdependence rather than individualism can lead to more genuine community and freedom. The episode '367) Mia Birdsong: Deepening our interdependence with community' further delves into this vision for systems change. The episode '332) Konda Mason: Holding love capital sacred' calls for remaking economic and agricultural systems to prioritize regeneration and different forms of capital beyond just monetary wealth.

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