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Topic: Theories of consciousness

Theories of consciousness explore the nature and function of human awareness and subjective experience, drawing on neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy.

More on: Theories of consciousness

The podcast episodes on the topic of 'Theories of consciousness' delve into various philosophical and scientific perspectives on the fundamental aspects of human experience and cognition.

For example, the episode 'Luminous: Your Brain on Shrooms' discusses the neuroscience and potential therapeutic applications of psychedelics, and how they may shed light on the nature of consciousness. Similarly, the episode 'What Patterns in Human Dreams Tell Us About AI Cognition' proposes a hypothesis that human consciousness may be an illusion caused by the brain's compression of sensory information into narrative experiences, which could have implications for understanding the development of artificial intelligence.

These episodes explore how advancements in neuroscience, psychology, and AI research can contribute to our understanding of the nature of consciousness and its role in human experience.

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