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Topic: Trumpism

Trumpism is a populist, nationalist, and often anti-democratic political movement centered around the persona and policies of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

More on: Trumpism

The podcast episodes provided focus on analyzing and unpacking the concept of 'Trumpism' - the political ideology, movement, and actions surrounding former President Donald Trump.

Several episodes explore the concerning signs of Trumpism potentially becoming institutionalized in government, such as the discussion of 'Project 2025' Symone Sanders-Townsend: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You and the analysis of Trumpism's anti-democratic impulses George Packer: Phoenix, the Most American City.

Other episodes dive deeper into the roots and implications of Trumpism, examining its relationship to the conservative movement After the Theocons (w/ Damon Linker), its populist rhetoric and working-class appeal The Right Kind of Worker (w/ Gabriel Winant), and the ongoing debate over whether it can be considered a form of fascism Did It Happen Here? and TEASER: Storming the Capitol.

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