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Topic: Vaginal microbiome

The vaginal microbiome is the diverse community of microorganisms that reside in the vagina and play a crucial role in women's health and reproductive function.

More on: Vaginal microbiome

The podcast episodes provided focus on the importance of the vaginal microbiome and its implications for women's health, particularly in relation to conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV).

For instance, the episode 'A Vaginal Microbiome Transplant Could Help People With BV' delves into Fatima Aisha Hussain's research on using vaginal microbiome transplants as a potential treatment for BV, a common and often recurrent condition with limited effective treatment options.

The other episode, 'Gut health & the microbiome: improving and maintaining the microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics, innovative treatments, and more | Colleen Cutcliffe, Ph.D.', briefly touches on the vaginal microbiome and how factors like diet, pregnancy, and menopause can influence its composition and health.

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