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Topic: Women's Health Research

Women's health research has historically been underfunded and overlooked, with significant gaps in understanding conditions like menopause, endometriosis, and vaginal health.

More on: Women's Health Research

The podcast episodes highlight the lack of attention and funding directed towards women's health research, especially related to sexual and reproductive health, which has motivated researchers like Fatima Aysha Hussain and Dr. Lisa Mosconi to tackle these underexplored areas.

The episodes emphasize the need for more awareness, prioritization, and study of women's health issues, from the vaginal microbiome A Vaginal Microbiome Transplant Could Help People With BV to the changes in the female brain during menopause Understanding the Changes in Your Female Brain After 40 with Dr. Lisa Mosconi and Top Brain Expert Reveals Why Women Are More At Risk of Alzheimer's & Cognitive Decline and What They Can Do to Prevent It with Dr. Lisa Mosconi.

The work described in these episodes aims to improve scientific understanding and treatment of conditions that disproportionately affect women, such as endometriosis The bleeding edge, part two, in order to empower women and address historical gaps in healthcare and research.

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