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Topic: Viral marketing

Viral marketing is the strategic use of social media and word-of-mouth to rapidly spread a product, service, or message through an online audience.

More on: Viral marketing

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to viral marketing, including strategies for creating attention-grabbing content, leveraging human behavior and psychology for marketing, and examples of successful and failed viral campaigns.

Several episodes discuss specific case studies of companies and individuals who have used viral marketing tactics effectively, such as the More or Less podcast episode on AI and viral marketing, the This Week in Startups episode on Podcast AI's viral videos, and the The Way I Heard It episode on the Harmon brothers' viral marketing background.

Other episodes explore the broader concepts and principles behind viral marketing, such as the Choice Hacking podcast's discussion of 'behavioral residue' and the Decoder Ring episode on Coca-Cola's failed attempt at viral marketing with OK Soda.

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