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Topic: Writing process

The writing process encompasses the strategies, techniques, and steps authors use to ideate, draft, revise, and publish their written works.

More on: Writing process

The topic of 'writing process' is explored extensively across the various podcast episodes, with many guests sharing insights into their unique approaches to writing.

For example, in episode 54. Ghostwriters, the episode delves into the intimate relationships and techniques used by ghostwriters to capture the voice and experiences of their subjects. Similarly, in episode Neil Gaiman and Debbie Millman (#750), both authors discuss their writing routines, use of different tools and instruments, and the importance of discipline and consistency.

Other episodes, such as How to Write a Book Like Ryan Holiday and Michael Lewis and Martine Rothblatt (#749), provide in-depth looks at the writing processes of successful authors, covering topics like maintaining momentum, overcoming creative challenges, and the role of research and revision.

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