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Topic: Bone health

Maintaining strong, healthy bones is crucial for overall well-being, as bone density and strength can decline with age, leading to an increased risk of fractures and other complications.

More on: Bone health

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of bone health, including the risks of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, strategies for maintaining and improving bone density, and the role of nutrition, exercise, and supplements like creatine and magnesium.

For example, episode "#1 Menopause Doctor: Hormone Therapy Myths, Libido, Heart Health & More with Dr. Mary Claire Haver" addresses the importance of understanding and managing perimenopause and menopause, and the impact on bone health, including the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy.

Episode "What to eat to avoid osteoporosis" provides insights from experts on the factors that contribute to bone density and strength, and recommends lifestyle changes like a plant-based diet and weight-bearing exercises to prevent and manage osteoporosis.

The episodes also touch on the role of specific nutrients and supplements, such as the benefits of creatine for bone health discussed in "How to Get the Most Out of Creatine | Darren Candow PhD", and the importance of magnesium for bone remodeling, as covered in #282 - AMA #54: Magnesium: risks of deficiency, how to correct it, supplement options, potential cognitive and sleep benefits, and more".

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