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Topic: Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a persistent, low-grade immune response that can contribute to various age-related diseases and impact metabolic health.

More on: Chronic inflammation

The podcast episodes provided highlight the significance of chronic inflammation as a contributing factor to a wide range of health issues, from chronic fatigue and digestive problems to autoimmune diseases and infertility.

Several episodes, such as Feeling Awful? Discover Why and Fix It Fast, How to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity Naturally, and AMA #59: Inflammation: its impact on aging and disease risk, and how to identify, prevent, and reduce it, delve deep into the mechanisms behind chronic inflammation, its connection to various chronic diseases, and strategies to address and manage it.

The episodes also emphasize the role of diet, lifestyle factors, and the gut microbiome in regulating inflammation, as well as the limitations of conventional medicine in addressing the underlying causes of inflammatory conditions.

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