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Topic: COVID-19 pandemic impact on women

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on women's employment, economic security, and exacerbated existing inequalities.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing gender and racial inequalities in the workforce, with women, especially women of color, bearing the brunt of job losses, reduced hours, and increased unpaid care work.

The podcast episodes 'S04 E05: SHE-cession' and 'E143: Good Guys: Beyond Intent to Impact with David Smith and Brad Johnson' delve into the specific challenges faced by women during the pandemic, such as the gender and race pay gap, lack of childcare, and the increased burden of unpaid care work.

These episodes also discuss the potential for relief measures like the American Rescue Plan Act and the importance of policies that prioritize job quality and worker protections for the most vulnerable populations.

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