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Topic: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding refers to the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, often through online platforms.

More on: Crowdfunding

The podcast episodes provided discuss crowdfunding in a variety of contexts, including using it to support individuals and families facing financial hardship, fund scientific research, support creative projects and independent media, and even build new communities and economic models.

For example, the episode 'My Family Needs Help... Desperately.' highlights a desperate plea for crowdfunding to prevent a family from becoming homeless, while 'Episode 169: Dave Feldman talks about cholesterol and the ketogenic diet' discusses crowdfunding to support citizen science research. The episodes 'They sold their company to Snapchat (and then became YouTubers)' and 'Patreon, Merch and Our Thanks - An Announcement from Alex Kemp and Wolf At The Door Studios' cover crowdfunding for creative projects and independent media.

Additionally, the episode 'How to Start a Country (Network State Review)' explores the idea of using crowdfunding to acquire physical territories for decentralized 'network states', highlighting the potential for crowdfunding to disrupt traditional models of governance and community.

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