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Topic: Cultural Appropriation

Cultural appropriation refers to the inappropriate or unethical adoption of elements from one culture by members of another, often dominant, culture.

More on: Cultural Appropriation

The topic of cultural appropriation is extensively covered across the various podcast episodes, with many exploring how non-marginalized groups have exploited, profited from, and failed to respect the cultural heritage and traditions of marginalized communities.

Several episodes, such as Luminous: Can psychedelics be decolonized?, 17 | Picasso Baby | For Real, For Real, and the Black TikTok strike of 2021, delve into the ethical issues surrounding the appropriation of indigenous knowledge, art, and cultural practices by mainstream industries and dominant groups.

Other episodes, like 19 | Knock on Wood | Motown Vs. Stax and 18: Drake vs Kendrick Lamar | Red Thread, examine how cultural appropriation has manifested in the music industry, with white artists often benefiting from the work of Black artists without proper credit or compensation.

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