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Topic: Revolutionary Praxis

Revolutionary praxis is the transformative process of critically examining and challenging existing social structures and power dynamics to work towards a more equitable and just society.

More on: Revolutionary Praxis

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of revolutionary praxis, including the philosophical foundations of Marxism, the need to challenge dominant ideologies and narratives, and the practical considerations around organizing and strategizing for social transformation.

For example, the episode 'Louis Althusser: Marxist Theory and Philosophy' delves into Althusser's conceptual framework, which emphasizes the role of theory in guiding revolutionary practice. The episode 'Defending Socialism: Human Nature and the Nightmare of History' explores how Marxist philosophy can counter capitalist narratives and provide a basis for socialist action.

The episode 'How the West Point Mafia Runs Washington' highlights the importance of challenging dominant power structures and elite networks that perpetuate the status quo, and advocates for a radical reimagining of society through revolutionary intellectual praxis.

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