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Topic: Environmental Toxins (Obesogens)

Environmental toxins, known as obesogens, can disrupt metabolism and contribute to weight gain by interfering with hormonal processes.

More on: Environmental Toxins (Obesogens)

The podcast episodes discuss the role of environmental toxins, referred to as "obesogens," in disrupting metabolism and contributing to weight gain.

These toxins are explored as a significant factor in the complex science of weight management and metabolic health, beyond the simplistic "calories in, calories out" model. The episodes delve into the hormonal cascades and oxidative stress that can be influenced by these environmental factors, which are important considerations for achieving sustainable weight loss and optimal metabolic function.

The impact of obesogens is highlighted in The Science of Weight Loss: What You Need to Know and How You've Been Lied To About Calories, Dieting, Exercise, & Losing Weight.

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