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Topic: Epistemology

Epistemology is the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge.

More on: Epistemology

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of epistemology, the philosophical inquiry into the origins, nature, and limits of human knowledge.

Several episodes delve into Plato's dialogues, such as Theaetetus, Sophist, and Protagoras, which grapple with questions about the definition of knowledge, the relationship between perception, opinion, and true understanding, and the teachability of virtue.

Other episodes examine more modern epistemological questions, including debates over the reliability of our senses and perceptions (Donald Hoffman, Eric Schwitzgebel), the challenges of validating beliefs in an age of misinformation and polarization (Sam Harris and Greg Lukianoff), and the limitations of empirical research in fields like finance (Felix Salmon and Mary Childs).

The podcasts also explore how epistemological frameworks shape our understanding of the world, from environmental issues (Flora Lu and Emily Murai, Ailton Krenak) to the nature of reality itself (Stephen Wolfram and Karl Friston).

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