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Topic: Exercise and resistance training

Exercise and resistance training are crucial for building and maintaining muscle, improving overall health, and enhancing physical performance.

More on: Exercise and resistance training

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of regular resistance training and the concept of "exercise snacking" in preserving muscle mass, bone density, and overall well-being during the transition to menopause and as we grow older.

For example, in the episode discussing the new menopause toolkit, the experts emphasize that incorporating resistance training is a key strategy for managing symptoms and promoting long-term health during this life stage. Similarly, the episode featuring Dr. Donald Layman discusses the synergistic benefits of combining dietary protein with exercise, especially resistance training, for preventing muscle loss with aging.

The importance of exercise, resistance training, and their benefits for muscle growth, bone density, and overall health are also explored in the conversation with Layne Norton and the interview with Dr. Layman on the role of dietary protein.

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