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Topic: Healthcare system

The healthcare system in the United States faces significant challenges, including limited accessibility, high costs, and systemic issues that perpetuate chronic diseases and health disparities.

More on: Healthcare system

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects and challenges within the healthcare system, including its profit-driven incentives, limitations in addressing chronic and preventable diseases, lack of focus on root causes and personalized approaches, and the need for systemic changes.

For example, episode Doctor Makes His Case for the Carnivore Diet to Heal Chronic Gut Conditions and Shares What We Know and Don't Know About High Cholesterol with Dr. Shawn Baker critiques the current healthcare system's focus on symptom management rather than addressing the root causes of chronic conditions. Episode From Wall Street to Rural Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Dr. Eric Arzubi on ACEs, Telehealth, and Transforming Mental Health Care discusses the financial incentives and systemic issues within the healthcare system that impact the practice of psychiatry.

Other episodes explore the healthcare system's approach to rare diseases, mental health, and women's health, highlighting the need for more comprehensive, personalized, and patient-centered care.

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