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Topic: Homeostasis

Homeostasis is the process by which living organisms maintain a stable and balanced internal environment, despite changes in external conditions.

More on: Homeostasis

The concept of homeostasis, or the body's ability to maintain internal balance, is a recurring theme across the podcast episodes provided.

In episode 42846, the discussion on the neural circuitry and hormonal signals that control hunger, appetite, and thirst demonstrates how the body strives to maintain homeostasis in these physiological processes. Similarly, episode 7329 emphasizes homeostasis as a fundamental aspect of overall health, with the exploration of hormone imbalances and their impact on conditions like PCOS and autoimmune disorders.

The BBC podcast episode 58098 delves deeper into the role of hormones in regulating bodily processes and maintaining homeostasis, while episode 47854 explains how the body adjusts its baseline levels to compensate for the effects of nicotine, contributing to the withdrawal severity.

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